When filing your taxes, you must adhere to numerous intricate rules and regulations set out by the IRS. Even more intricate laws and regulations must be followed when attempting to resolve your tax burden to obtain tax relief. This suggests that, despite the IRS’s recent generosity in offering tax relief programmes to numerous individuals, the IRS isn’t so kind as to make things simple.
So, what do you do? You have two options: put on your brave face and figure it all out yourself, or enlist the aid of a certified public accountant, a tax attorney, or a professional tax agent.
You may probably contact any lawyer or accountant for legal counsel or for assistance in resolving tax debt, but they will likely encourage you to seek out a specialist’s assistance instead.
They can arbitrate between you and the IRS so you won’t have to continually phone the agency to acquire confusing information about how to file for and receive tax relief. When the time comes to negotiate, these tax experts will know-how on the spot and will simply phone the IRS.
Therefore, the lay taxpayer who is often low-income and/or elderly yet qualifies for tax relief programmes can benefit greatly from information and help from tax specialists. By providing genuine cash assistance or rearranging the payment, several organisations and people also provide financial support, enabling their customers to pay their taxes on time. Many additionally assist their customers with document preparation and other paperwork, as well as with audit and appeal defence and advice.
You should make time to meet with your possible tax agent; of course, you shouldn’t merely seek expert tax relief assistance out of desperation. A tax expert should be able to fully explain your alternatives and give you an idea of what has to be done.
Who is responsible for unpaid payroll taxes?
Taxes withheld from employee earnings must be gathered by employers and turned over to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) following the law. These employment taxes consist of the employee’s part of social security and Medicare taxes in addition to the federal income tax that was withheld (collectively known as FICA taxes).